This will be an ongoing attempt to share the foods I love most. The heart and soul of my life is food and I enjoy eating,
creating, and of course designing it. Check back often. We are all a work in progress and so is this site.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Masterpiece Salad

Just like my artwork(I wish), this salad is a masterpiece.   My favorite color combination is orange and pink.  I have used that many times in artwork, interior design and food.  I find it so exciting.

How fun is it to create. I believe we all have creativity in us the challenge is to find your tool.  I am lucky to have been exploring this since childhood.  Sewing, art and food.  Food is so fun, especially when the outcome is so great.

Like any Picasso or the Mona Lisa, this looks good up close or at a distance.  I  did have the opportunity to view the Mona Lisa up close when I went to the Louvre.  How exciting was that.  I will never forget the lunch we ate there.  We ate for 2 hours because that is how you eat in Paris, slow and steady.  They sure know how to enjoy food much more than we do.

So on with the masterpiece salad ingredients.

Red cabbage raw
Raw Brussels sprout leaves
Mustard greens
Scarlet red turnip raw sliced
Sweet baby bell peppers orange and yellow
Lacto-fermented Curtido (cabbage, carrots, onions, oregano, red pepper flakes and sea salt)
Dressing of choice this day rice vinegar and olive oil

Just assemble all the ingredients in the quantity you like.

So capture the creative energy of the universe.  To you and through you.  Create a masterpiece of your own - on the plate, on a canvas or in the world.  Enjoy